A Surprising Incident
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting a surprising incident which occurred during an attempt to slaughter a horse in July 1811. The caption at the bottom of the picture describes this as 'An Instance ...
A. Marshall, Dyer and Scourer
This is an oil painting depicting the premises of A. Marshall, Dyer and Scourer in St Ann's Street in Nottingham and which was painted by Arthur Goodwin in 1898. In the lower right corner is inscribed ...
Accident on the Road to Inverness
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting a carriage accident on the road to Inverness in Scotland. In the background is Castle Stuart near Inverness. From this landmark it is possible to work out that ...
Actors Performing
Colour photograph by John Wright of a performance featuring actors dressed in Russian costumes. © John Wright Photography
Admiral Hedworth Meux
A portrait of the Admiral Hedworth Meux in 18th century fancy dress.
This photograph was taken at a costume ball, Bal Poudre, at Warwick Castle in 1895.
Frances Evelyn Brooke (or Daisy), the Countess ...
Admiral Lord Exmouth
This is an ink, watercolour and gouache on paper portrait of Admiral Lord Exmouth, and a painted inscription along the bottom reads 'The Appearanc [sic] of Admirll [sic] Lord Exmouth from his Hedgecumb ...
Afternoon Waitress' Apron
Black satin apron with a small bib and small pocket. There is green, brown, pink and yellow embroidery round the bottom, on the bib and on the pocket, depicting roses. There is lace edging on the bib. ...
Air Raid Warden's Uniform
Navy-blue woollen Air-Raid Warden's uniform jacket, with a cloth belt and a silver metal buckle. It has silver metal buttons, cast with the letters C. D. and a crown. There are four large buttons on the ...
Alcester. A street party
A street party in Alcester. A number of the men are wearing military? uniform. 1930s
Alcester. Group of workers
A group of workers, possibly with the District Council, Alcester. 1900s
Alice Keppel
A photographic portrait of Alice Keppel (née Edmondstone), dressed in 18th century fancy dress. She was the wife of the Honourable George Keppel.
Like the Countess of Warwick, she enjoyed a frequently ...
Alice Willes
A portrait of Alice Willes c.1880-1910.
Allwyn Greville
A photographic portrait of Captain Alwyn Greville in 18th century fancy dress.
He was the son of George, 4th Earl of Warwick. This photograph was taken at a costume ball, Bal Poudre, at Warwick Castle ...
Amber beads, large
A group of larger amber beads found in Grave 10. Amber is fossilised tree sap and probably would have come from the Baltic Sea area.
AD 550 - AD 600
Amber beads, small
A group of small amber beads found in a grave. Amber is fossilised tree sap and probably would have come from the Baltic Sea area.
AD 550 - AD600
Ankle Boots
These size five ankle boots, produced from kid leather, belonged to local author George Eliot.
George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans) was a local authoress based in the Coventry and Nuneaton district, ...
This ivory anklet is from Nigeria. The carved inscription on the anklet reads, "Capt. Tom A Very Good Trader, Coomy 40 Coppers". It possibly has links to the slave trade. Similar anklets are worn by wealthy ...
This is a metal anklet from the Malay Peninsula. It is decorated with lines and flowers in deep relief. The anklet is one of a pair that were worn by Malay women.