Banknote - Italian Ten Centesimi
An Italian banknote for fifty centesimi, 2nd January 1918. It was printed by the Austrians during their occupation of Italian territory in the First World War and is dated 2nd January 1918.
Banknote - Italian Two Lire
An Italian two lire banknote. The note is green print on white paper. It was printed by the Austrians during their occupation of Italian territory in the First World War and is dated 2nd January 1918.
Bayonet - Mauser Model 1898/05 Saw-backed Bayonet, Pioneers, 2nd issue
A double sided bayonet blade with a smooth sharp edge and a saw toothed edge. There is a small ridge in the centre of the flat sides. The widest part of the blade is just before the tip. The handle piece ...
Certificate of Demobilization
Certificate issued to Mr James Broadbridge Banwell at the time of demobilization at the end of World War I, 21st May 1919.
Civil Defence Corp Badge, Leamington Spa
A circular metal badge depicting a crest and crossed rifles with a crown at the top. It was issued to the Leamington Spa Volunteer Defence Corp, 1914-1918.
Cloth Case
Padded cloth case made from silk and edged with cream coloured cord. There is a ribbon attached to the bottom for fastening. The case is decorated with applied roses and foliage and "SOUVENIR FROM FRANCE" ...
A two handled, white porcelain cup or mug, with a gilded rim. It has a transfer print which commemorates twenty men from Wolverton who fought for England in the First World War.
Despatch Mention
A framed certificate stating that Quartermaster Sergeant B. Toombs of the 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons was mentionned in a despatch by Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig on the 16th March 1919. The certificate ...
First World War Punch Cartoon
A black and white cartoon on a postcard. It has been reproduced from Punch and depicts the Kaiser talking to a German eagle. 139mm x 86mm.
First World War Punch Cartoon
A black and white cartoon on a postcard. It has been reproduced from Punch and depicts an Imperial Knight Templar talking to a Turk. 139mm x 86mm.
First World War Punch Cartoon
A black and white cartoon on a postcard. The cartoon is reproduced from Punch and has a view of a man abandonning ship.139mm x 86mm.
First World War Army Form B218M
An army form B218M giving details of pay rates, insurance and pensions, 10th November 1914.
First World War Army Form B218M
An army form B.218N appealing to recruits and former officers. It is dated November 1914.
First World War Army Form B2512A
An application form to volunteer for service, 8th December 1915.
First World War Book of Cartoons
This is a paper back book dating from 1916. The book has a brown cover and black print and contains cartoons. There is an image of a lady and soldier having tea on the cover.
First World War Cartoon
A colour postcard with a cartoon by Hussall printed in black ink onto yellow card. Under the title News by Liarless from Berlin, a man is depicted sitting with two crates of poems. The text reads 'Mr ...
First World War Cartoon
A colour postcard with a cartoon by Hussall printed in black ink onto yellow card. Under the title News by Liarless from Berlin, two French men are shown talking and are about to be set upon by men with ...
First World War Cartoon
Colour postcard with a cartoon by Hussall printed in black ink onto yellow card. Under the title News by Liarless from Berlin, one man is strangling another. The text begins 'The Mystery Why Nothing Has ...