A Visit from the Doctor
Caspar Netscher (After) (1639-1684
A Visit from the Doctor, 1775-1800
Oil on panel
255mm x 330mm
The German artist Caspar Netscher began his training at an early age in Arnhem, under the direction ...
Atherstone. Group of nurses
Group of nurses in uniform at Atherstone. 1905
Bedworth. Dr. Leo Orton
Dr. Leo Orton of Bedworth in 1895
Bilton. Bilton Hall Hospital
Soldiers with a nurse in the grounds of Bilton Hall hospital during the 1914 - 18 war.
Bottle of Surgical Spirit from Wyleys Ltd Wholesale and Manufacturing Chemists, Coventry. Surgical Spirit is made from ethanol and methanol and is used to sterilise surfaces and to cleanse skin abrasions ...
Brailes, Lower. Red Cross Hospital
Interior of The Institute which was in use as a hospital for wounded Belgian Soldiers run by the Red Cross, showing the interior of a ward with a group of nurses. Note the paraffin lamp lighting. Lower ...
Brailes, Lower. Red Cross nurses
Group of Red Cross nurses and staff. 1932
Brailes, Lower. Soldiers and a nurse
Group of soldiers with nurse, Lower Brailes. 1914-18
Central Hospital Medical Directory
Part One of the Medical Directory from Central Hospital, Warwick. It lists doctors and other members of the medical profession A-L for 1955.
Central Hospital Medical Directory
Part Two of the Medical Directory from Central Hospital, Warwick. It lists doctors and other members of the medical profession M-Z for 1955.
Coleshill. Fancy dress
Fancy dress at a hospital fete. 1908
Coleshill. Vicarage, V.A.D. Hospital
Group photograph of military casualties and nurses with placard: " The Vicarage Auxiliary February 1919", Coleshill. 1919.
Dentist's Business Card
A small business card printed on one side with the details of W. Emery, dentist, at 27 High Street, Leamington Spa.
Dr Frederick Haynes
Annie Edwards Dr Frederick Haynes, 1910 Oil on canvas A portrait of Dr Frederick Haynes (1845 - 1935) who lived and worked in Leamington Spa. He lived at 3 Spencer Street from 1872-1874, 23 The Parade ...
Dr Henry Jephson
John Bostock (fl. 1826-1869) Dr Henry Jephson, 10th June 1850 Watercolour on paper 670mm x 490mm Portrait of Dr Henry Jephson (1798 - 1878), a doctor and philanthropist who lived and worked in Leamington ...
Dr Henry Jephson
A photograph of a painting of Dr Henry Jephson as a young man. The photograph is by W G Gibbons.
Dr Henry Jephson
A colour tinted photograph of Dr Henry Jephson (1798-1878) sitting beside a table. It was produced by Maull and Polyblank Photographic Artists of London, c.1865. Dr Henry Jephson believed strongly in ...
Electrical Treatment Room at the Royal Pump Rooms
Black and white photograph inside the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa, by Walden Hammond. A man is being treated in one of the electrical treatment rooms. The patient is holding electrodes, while an ...