A Surprising Incident
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting a surprising incident which occurred during an attempt to slaughter a horse in July 1811. The caption at the bottom of the picture describes this as 'An Instance ...
Carts on the Sussex Downs
T.H. Chin Carts on the Sussex Downs Oil on canvas 490mm x 580mm Landscape view with a haycart to the left.
Coleshill. Dumble Farm
Dumble Farm, Coleshill. Left to right in photograph - farmworker, Mrs Ford, a servant, Mr Ford (tenant farmer) and in front - daughters Mynthia and Myna. 1910s
Country Fete and Procession
These are two panel paintings which were originally joined which are painted by an English School about 1840. One shows people at a fete in the grounds of a house, and the other, people arriving at the ...
Ditcher's shovel
This is a typical wooden ditcher's shovel. The wrought-iron blade bears an indistinct maker's name. It is British and dates from 1850 to 1900. Height 143mm, Length 920mm, Width 270mm
Farmer and his Prize Heifer
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting Henry Hamilton, a servant of farmer Ralph Walker, holding the rope of a prize heifer. It was painted by an artist of the English Provincial School about 1844. ...
Flax breaker
This is a beech-wood red-painted flax breaker of typical form. It rests on tapering solid end-supports with stretchers. It is British. Height 565mm, Length 976mm, Width 161mm
High Street, Musselburgh, Scotland
This is an oil painting on paper which is lined (backed) onto canvas and depicts a view of the High Street in Musselburgh, Scotland. There is a signature and date in the bottom right corner of the canvas ...
Long Itchington. Horse ploughing
Ploughing with horses and hand held plough at Long Itchington. January 16th 1957
[The man ploughing with the shire horse was Mr Dick Hunt He lived in the farm cottages on the Grimes farm at the start ...
Napton on the Hill. Loaded haywain
Loaded haywain, horse, two men and a woman at Napton on the Hill. 1928
Nine Angry Bulls
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting bulls disturbed by a hare. It is by an artist of the English School dating from about 1870. A horserider and two walkers have been disturbed by the bulls running ...
Prize Bull and Prize Cabbage
This is an oil painting on panel depicting a prize bull and prize cabbage, as well as a house, dog and a woman. It is signed and dated in the bottom left corner, 'Williams 1802' and it is likely this ...
Raphael Holinshed, The... Chronicles, 1577 - harvest woodcut, 'History of Scotland', p. 232.
A harvest scene, from a book known to Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s parents both came from farming families so he knew well that everyone in country districts would help with cutting and sheaving ...
Returning From A Bad Market. Butter Only One and Nine
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting a farmer and his wife returning from market. There is a painted inscription along the bottom which reads 'Returning from a bad market, Butter only one and ...
Rugby. Albert Street
Cattle being driven to market, Albert Street, Rugby. 1880s
Salford Priors. Bomford & Evershed, engineering works
Interior of the Bomford and Evershed agricultural engineering works at Salford Priors. 1900s
Salford Priors. Bomford and Evershed
Premises of Bomford and Evershed, Agricultural Engineers, Salford Priors. 1965
This is a cream coloured agricultural labourer's linen smock. It has long sleeves with a ruched and embroidered bodice and cuffs.