Belgian 50 Centimes
Belgian silver fifty centimes, 1866 Diameter 17mm The obverse features the bust of Leopold II facing left. The inscription reads 'LEOPOLD II ROI DES BELGES', 'Leopold II King of the Belgians'. At the ...
Belgian 50 Centimes
Belgian silver 50 centimes, 1901 Diameter 17mm The obverse features the bust of Leopold II (1865-1909) facing left. The inscription reads 'LEOPOLD II KONING DER BELGEN', Dutch meaning 'King Leopold II ...
Belgian Five Centimes
Belgian copper-nickel five centimes, 1861 Diameter 18mm The obverse features the number '5' over an elongated hexagon. The hexagon bears the inscription 'CENTIMES' inside and there is a star below. Around ...
Belgian Ten Centimes
Belgian copper-nickel ten centimes, 1861 Diameter 21mm The obverse features the number '10' over an elongated hexagon. The hexagon bears the word 'CENTIMES', with a star below. Around the outside is the ...
Belgian Two Centimes
Belgian copper 2 centimes, 1846 Diameter 21mm The obverse features the monogram of Leopold I with a crown above. The inscription reads 'LEOPOLD PREMIER ROI DES BELGES', 'Leopold I King of the Belgians'. ...
Birmingham Jubilee Medal
Birmingham medal, 1887 Diameter 39mm Medal struck to commemorate the golden jubilee of the reign of Queen Victoria. The obverse features the diademed bust of Victoria facing left and the inscription 'VICTORIA ...
British Postcard
A colour postcard featuring several patriotic images. The Union Jack flag is draped over the top left corner and to the bottom left Britannia stands holding a trident and a sword, there is a lion at her ...
British Postcard
A British colour postcard featuring several patriotic images. To the bottom right is Britannia holding a trident and with a bulldog at her feet. She also leans on a shield bearing the Union Jack flag. ...
British Postcard
A colour postcard featuring embossed flags with a lion and a unicorn at the top and quotations from speeches made by Lord Kitchener below. This is one of the Peace Souvenir Postcards printed by Raphael ...
Churchill Medal - Let Us Go Forward Together
London Twenty-four carat gold on silver medal, 1970 Diameter 44mm This is one of a set of four Churchill medals designed by David Cornell and minted by the medallist John Pinches. The medals celebrate ...
Churchill Medal - Never In the Field of Human Conflict
Twenty-four carat gold on silver medal from London, 1970 Diameter 44mm This is one of a set of four Churchill medals designed by David Cornell and minted by John Pinches (medallists). The medals celebrate ...
Churchill Medal - This Was Their Finest Hour
London Twenty-four carat gold on silver medal, 1970 Diameter 44mm This is one of a set of four Churchill medals designed by David Cornell and minted by the medallist John Pinches. The medals celebrate ...
Churchill Medal - We Shall Never Surrender
London Twenty-four carat gold on silver medal, 1970 Diameter 44mm This is one of a set of four Churchill medals designed by David Cornell and minted by the medallist John Pinches. The medals celebrate ...
Edinburgh Halfpenny Token
Edinburgh copper halfpenny token, 1790 Diameter 28mm The obverse features St Andrew holding a cross. There is a castle within a shield on the reverse. Tokens such as this were produced from 1787-1797 ...
Engish Halfpenny
English copper halfpenny, 1806 Diameter 27mm The obverse features the bust of George III. There is an image of Britannia on the reverse.
Engish Halfpenny
English bronze halfpenny, 'bun head' issue coinage, 1861 Diameter 24mm The obverse features the 'bun head' bust of Queen Victoria facing left. The inscription reads 'VICTORIA D:G: BRITT:REG:F:D', Latin, ...
English Coin
English copper 'cartwheel' coin, 1797 Diameter 49mm The obverse features the bust of George III. The reverse features Britannia. There is a legend on the raised rim. This coin was produced at the Soho ...
English Commemorative Medal
London medal, c.1858 Diameter 40mm Medal struck to commemorate Queen Victoria's visit to Warwick, June 16th 1858, the day after she opened Aston Hall in Birmingham. The obverse features the diademed bust ...