American Coin
American silver coin, 1835 Diameter 15mm There is an image of Liberty on the obverse. The reverse is very worn.
Large flint arrowhead, collected from Mr Steven's Farm, London, Ontario.
Indian arrowhead from the Columbia River, Rainier, Portland, Oregon. It is a long thin iron arrowhead with a point for attaching it to a wooden shaft.
This is a pipe tomahawk from the Praire and Eastern Woodlands of North America. It is made from an 'English type' metal blade, attached to a long wooden handle. The blade is attached to the shaft of the ...
Axe Head
Polished, long shape, stone axe head which has a damaged cutting surface. It was collected from Mr Steven's Farm, London, Ontario.
Axe Head
Polished pale coloured flint axe head, from North America, which is angular in shape.
Banknote - Ten Dollars, United States of America
An American ten dollar banknote, 17th February 1864.
Banknote - Ten Dollars, United States of America
An American ten dollar banknote. The note has been placed between two rectangular pieces of glass, 17th February 1864.
Banknote - Twenty Dollar Banknote, United States of America
An American twenty dollar banknote, dated 1861. The note has been stuck onto card but has now become detached and is falling apart.
Banknote - Twenty Dollars, United States of America
An American twenty dollar banknote, 17th February 1864.
Banknote - Two Dollar Banknote, United States of America
An American two dollar banknote, dated 1863. The note is stuck onto a piece of card.
A booklet, from Lucknowwith, with a green cover and red and black printing. The booklet includes a coloured etching and was published by the American Mission, 1875.
Canadian Halfpenny Token
Canadian copper halfpenny token, 1857
Diameter 27mm
Due to coin shortages in Canada the Bank of Upper Canada (modern day Ontario) was permitted to issue a token coinage from 1850. By 1873 these ...
Canadian One Cent
Canadian bronze cent, 1902
Diameter 25mm
The obverse features the diademed bust of Edward VII, facing right within a central beaded ring. The inscription around the outside reads 'EDWARDUS VII ...
Canadian One Cent
Canadian bronze one cent, 1911 Diameter 25mm
The obverse features the diademed bust of George V facing left and the inscription 'GEORGIUS V REX ET IND: IMP', 'George V King and Emperor of India'. The ...
Canadian One Cent
Canadian bronze one cent, 1859 Diameter 26mm The obverse features the laureate bust of Queen Victoria facing left within a central beaded ring. The inscription around the outside reads, 'VICTORIA DEI ...
Canadian One Cent
Canada - New Brunswick bronze cent, 1864 Diameter 25mm The obverse features the laureate bust of Queen Victoria facing left. The inscription reads 'VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D', Latin meaning 'Victoria ...
Canadian One Cent
Canada, New Brunswick one cent, copper, 1861 Diameter 25mm The obverse features the 'bun head' bust of Queen Victoria facing left. The inscription reads 'VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D:', Latin, abbreviated ...