Calcite crystals
Calcite crystals on limestone.
Lower Jurassic: ? Blue Lias Formation,
Calcite nodule - exterior
Calcite nodule - exterior.
Lower Jurassic: ? Charmouth Mudstone Formation,
Kineton Army Camp.
Donated by T. Cox.
Calcite nodule - interior
Calcite nodule - interior.
Lower Jurassic: ? Charmouth Mudstone Formation,
Kineton Army Camp.
Donated by T. Cox.
Calcite tufa
Calcite tufa developed on oolitic limestone.
Middle Jurassic: Chipping Norton Limestone,
Cross Hands Quarry, Long Compton.
Collected by J. Crossling.
Ironstone with weathered exterior. The orange colour is caused by the presence of rusty iron oxide.
From the B. Playle collection.
Lower Jurassic: Marlstone Rock Formation,
Dry Hill Farm pit, between ...
Jurassic Strata Diagram
Diagram showing the succession of Jurassic strata found in Warwickshire.
Pisolitic limestone
Pisolitic limestone.
Middle Jurassic: Clypeus Grit Member.
Cross Hands Quarry, Long Compton.
Septarian nodule
Septarian nodule.
Lower Jurassic: ? Blue Lias Formation,
Donated by J.E. Durrant.
Septarian nodule
Septarian nodule.
Lower Jurassic: ? Blue Lias Formation,
Donated by J.E. Durrant.
Shelly ironstone
Shelly ironstone.
Lower Jurassic: Marlstone Rock Formation,
Avonhill Quarry, Avon Dassett.
Collected by Jon D. Radley, Keeper of Geology.
Shelly ironstone - dry
Shelly ironstone - dry.
Lower Jurassic: Marlstone Rock Formation.
Avonhill Quarry, Avon Dassett.
Collected by Jon D. Radley, Keeper of Geology.
Shelly ironstone - wet
Shelly ironstone - wet.
Lower Jurassic: Marlstone Rock Formation.
Avonhill Quarry, Avon Dassett.
Collected by Jon D. Radley, Keeper of Geology.