Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 - blank leaf following Old Testament front page, owners' notes
Births and deaths recorded in a Bible of Shakespeare's time.
Family notes recording the birth of a son to Edward Lumley in 1695, and the death of Mary, the wife of a later owner, Robert Mason, in 1780 ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - [?18th century] plate, illustration inserted p.67
A disobedient servant in Shakespeare's England.
Every Elizabethan home employed servants to assist with the daily tasks of housekeeping. Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew ...
Dean's Jolly Youngster Book No. 1 - High Old Times.
A hard-backed children's book illustrated with both colour and black and white pictures. The cover shows a young boy giving a young girl a piggy back ride, she wears a paper crown and wields a wooden ...
Dodo and Prince
A hard backed children's book called Dodo and Prince.
Dumndeu e Milolslivu
A small green booklet from Romania, 1863. It contains a Romanian story about Dumndeu and Miloslivu.
Gasparo Contarini, The commonwealth and government of Venice, 1599 - Prefatory sonnet, p. A4r detail.
An Elizabethan courtier promotes a book known to Shakespeare.
In 1599 one of Sir John Harington's poems praised the diplomat lawyer, Lewes Lewkenor's first translation into English of the Italian Garpar ...
Geoffrey Chaucer, Workes, 1602 - binding in fine leather
A ‘morocco’ binding chosen by a ‘collector’.
The scarlet goatskin and gold tooling of this binding, created by Francis Bedford, was finished in the late nineteenth-century ...
Geoffrey Chaucer, Workes, 1602 - Family tree, p. A6r.
The author's family tree illustrates a Shakespeare sourcebook.
In this finely printed edition the preliminary pages of Chaucer’s Works include a portrait of the author, surrounded by an elaborate ...
Geoffrey Chaucer, Workes, 1602 - The Knight's Tale, Fol. 1, B1r.
The source for Shakespeare and Fletcher's play The Two Noble Kinsmen.
Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, in which pilgrims each contribute a story to entertain their fellow travelers, begins with the ...
Geoffrey Chaucer, Workes, 1602 - title page, p.a1r
A Shakespeare source in England’s mediaeval poetry.
Geoffrey Chaucer’s works, written in the time of Richard II, at the end of the 13th century, were known and admired by Elizabethan contemporaries ...
Geoffrey Chaucer, Workes, 1602 - The Booke of Troilus begins. Fol.143, Bb5r
Chaucer’s Troilus, a source for Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s debt to the work of Geoffrey Chaucer is primarily to the poem Troylus & Creseyde, which is a direct source for the play of Troilus ...
George Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such... , frontispiece with portrait
George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans) was a local authoress based in the Coventry and Nuneaton district, from 1819-1880.
An original engraving of this portrait is held by the National Portrait Gallery, ...
Giambattista Geraldi Cinthio, Hecatommithi, 1580 - p.252, of vol 1: colophon
A printer's details on an Italian Shakespeare sourcebook.
The 'colophon', or printer’s note was often placed on the final page of a book on its completion. This, at the end of Hecatommithi, part ...
Giambattista Geraldi Cinthio, Hecatommithi, 1580 - binding
A continental binding contemporary with Shakespeare.
Vellum was occasionally used for decorative bindings, especially on the continent of Europe. This binding, probably from Venice, has neat gilded ...
Giambattista Geraldi Cinthio, Hecatommithi, 1580 - Othello reference, vol.2, p.159.
Othello and Desdemona, Shakespeare’s Italian source.
The Hecatommithi, a collection of prose tales told by travellers sailing from Rome to Marseilles, includes the story of Disdemona [sic] and ...
Giambattista Geraldi Cinthio, Hecatommithi, 1580 - Othello reference, Vol.2, p.159 detail.
A Shakespeare source: The story of Othello.
Novella 7 in the third part of Hecatommithi is the story of an ensign who seeks revenge when his lust for 'Disdimona' is rejected. It was this tale that ...
Giambattista Geraldi Cinthio, Hecatommithi, 1580 - printer's device, title page volume 2, detail.
A printer's device on a Shakespeare Italian sourcebook.
Many of the books to be found on the bookstalls of cosmopolitan Elizabethan London were imported from the printing houses of France, and Italy. ...
Giambattista Geraldi Cinthio, Hecatommithi, 1580 - title page, Vol 2.
A source in Italian for Shakespeare.
It is not known whether Shakespeare ever travelled abroad, but several Italian sources for his plays had no published English translation at the time he was writing. ...