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Compton Verney. Stained Glass - Anne, Lady Varney

This panel of painted glass shows lady Anne Verney, 'Anne, Lady Varne'. It commemorates her death in 1558. It is from the medieval chapel which stood at Compton Verney. It was demolished in 1772 when ...

Compton Verney. Stained Glass - Lady Anne Verney

Panel showing Lady Anne Verney and her five daughters. (Please note that the image is the wrong way round - they should be looking left. We are working to rectify the problem). This panel of painted ...

Compton Verney. Stained Glass - Sir Richard Verney

Panel showing Sir Richard Verney (1464 - 1520) and his six sons. This panel of painted glass is from the medieval chapel which stood at Compton Verney. It was demolished in 1772 when the new house ...

Egyptian painted wood panel, upper section

This panel, from the tomb of Djed-Khonsu-lues-Ankh, is around 2,500 years old. Together with the bottom section of the panel, it is a prayer asking for a supply of beer, bread and oxen for use in the ...

Newbold on Avon. Wall monument

Wall monument in Newbold on Avon parish church. 1950s

Pottergate, Richmond, Yorkshire

This is an oil painting on canvas depicting a streetscene in Richmond, Yorkshire. The painting is by J. S. Newton and dates from 1847, and Newton included his father's business in the painting, as over ...

Pottergate, Richmond, Yorkshire - detail of figure

This is a detail of an oil painting on canvas depicting a streetscene in Richmond, Yorkshire. This is Jackie Patterson, the cleaner of the local privies in 1847 when this picture was painted by J. S. ...

Priors Marston. Hill View School and Monument

'Hill View School and Monument'. 1920s

Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - A corpse awaits burial, p.89r, detail.

A body in its linen burial cloth, or shroud, and laid in a tomb: a possible source for Shakespeare. William Shakespeare, in 1605, purchased an interest in the local tithes, and so automatically became ...

Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - Life and death, p.122v.

Death in everyday life in Shakespeare's time. Life and death went hand-in-hand everywhere in Shakespeare’s England, where medical knowledge was very limited, and most illness depended on traditional ...


Sepia photograph showing the detail on a carved sarcophagus with lid. It depicts the myth of Adonis and there is a wild boar to right. 142mm x 290mm.

Statue of Shakespeare in Westminster Abbey, London

Sculpted c. 1741 by Peter Scheemakers (1691-1781) from a design by William Kent (1684-1748) This statue is one of the most widely reproduced likenesses of Shakespeare, copied for publications, souvenirs ...

Stratford upon Avon. Holy Trinity Church, Shakespeare Monument

Part of the interior of Holy Trinity Parish Church, Stratford upon Avon, showing the Shakespeare Monument. 1890s.

The Tomb Of The Revd. John Wesley

J BrainThe Tomb Of The Revd. John WesleyInk on paper290mm x 400mmThe print depicts three figures standing and looking at the memorial. The tomb is surrounded by iron railings.

The Triumph of Bacchus

Sepia photograph of the detail on a carved sarcophagus. There are two elephants to the left and a centaur to the right of the centre. The decoration depicts the Triumph of Bacchus. 140mm x 250mm.

Unveiling Ceremony of Foleshill War Memorial in Durbar Avenue

Crowd containing military band and individuals carrying banners watch the unveiling of Foleshill War Memorial.

Warwick. Monument to Thomas Puckering

The Monument to Thomas Puckering in St Mary's church, Warwick. 1980s

Warwick. Monument to Walter Savage Landor

The Monument to Walter Savage Landor, 1864, in St Mary's church, Warwick. 1980s