Alpine-Sun Ultra-Violet and Sollux Infra Red Duo Therapy Light Machine
This Sollux lamp was used in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. Heat generated by the lamp was used to treat the patient. During treatment the patient was bathed in infra-red ...
Assorted Hooks For Physiotherapy Sling Apparatus
These hooks were used with sling apparatus in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. Slings were hooked to pulleys on a frame above the patient's bed. During treatment the patient's ...
Bag Of Clips And Attachments For Electrodes And Wires For Low Frequency Treatments
These clips and hooks were used to attach electrodes during low frequency electrotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. The electrodes were soaked in saline solution and applied over ...
Bag Of Electrical Treatment Electrodes And Pads
These electrodes were used in low frequency electrotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. The electrodes were soaked in saline solution and applied over the muscles that required ...
Bosch Short-Wave Therapy Unit
This is a Bosch short-wave therapy unit. It was used in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. The short-wave therapy unit used deep heat to treat parts of the body that were ...
Bottle of Surgical Spirit from Wyleys Ltd Wholesale and Manufacturing Chemists, Coventry. Surgical Spirit is made from ethanol and methanol and is used to sterilise surfaces and to cleanse skin abrasions ...
Canvas Strap
This strap was used in hydrotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms. During treatment the strap was placed underneath the patient as they lay in the water. It was attached to ropes that were suspended ...
Schall Electro-Medical Apparatus Bulletin No. 1034/1. A catalogue of galvanic, faradic and sinusoidal therapy apparatus published by Schall & Son Ltd, London, about 1940. This sort of medical equipment ...
Electro Medical Supplies Diathermy Apparatus and Accessories catalogue, published in 1949. There is an introduction by Dr Elkin P. Cumberbatch. There are two loose leaf sheets within the booklet: a price ...
Catalogue for the Megatherm short-wave therapy unit and the Megatherm Junior portable short-wave unit, made by EMS in about 1940. This sort of medical equipment was used at the NHS physiotherapy treatment ...
Three EMS catalogues bound within a light brown card cover embossed with "E.M.S.". The catalogues are bound together with a piece of string. The three catalogues are: Electro-Medical Apparatus and Accessories, ...
Cervical Traction Head Harness
This is a cervical traction harness. It was used in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. The harness provided support and tension to a patient's head and neck during cervical ...
Cervical Traction Head Harness Hanger
This coat hanger frame was used with a cervical traction harness. It was used in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. The harness provided support and tension to a patient's ...
Duffield Short-Wave Therapy Unit
This is a Duffield short-wave therapy unit. It was used in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. The short-wave therapy unit used deep heat to tone wasted muscles, and to develop ...
Electrical Machine, Leamington Spa
An electrical machine from Leamington Spa which was possibly used to produce x-rays.
Galvanised Metal Spring Part Of Sling Suspension Apparatus
This spring was used with sling apparatus in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. Slings were hooked to pulleys on a frame above the patient's bed. During treatment the patient's ...
Galvanised Metal Spring Part Of Sling Suspension Apparatus
This spring was used with sling apparatus in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. Slings were hooked to pulleys on a frame above the patient's bed. During treatment the patient's ...
Galvanised Metal Spring Part Of Sling Suspension Apparatus
This spring was used with sling apparatus in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. Slings were hooked to pulleys on a frame above the patient's bed. During treatment the patient's ...