Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - St Matthew, chapter 1, p. 5A1v.
The Christmas story: a source for Shakespeare.
The Christmas story as recounted by St. Matthew in his gospel was familiar to Shakespeare who refers to this ‘holy’ time of year in his play ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - title page of New Testament.
The New Testament provided sources for Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s plays show a familiarity with the text of the ‘Geneva’ edition of the Bible, and many Elizabethan homes would have ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - title page.
The Bible in English: known by Shakespeare.
The Shakespeare family, like all their Elizabethan contemporaries were required by law to attend their parish church for worship every Sunday. At Holy Trinity ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - Book of Common Prayer, p.3A1r.
The Book of Common Prayer : The church services known to Shakespeare.
Most printed copies of the ‘Geneva’ Bible from Queen Elizabeth’s time are bound with The Book of Common Prayer ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - Book of Common Prayer, Psalm 45, p.Aa2v.
Psalms in the church service Shakespeare knew.
The text for the Psalm known as the ‘Venite’, was regularly sung by Shakespeare's contemporaries at Morning Prayer each week.
See:1 Henry ...
Church of England, Booke of Common Prayer, 1596 - 'William Shakespeare' signature, and date ?1600, p. Mm6v.
This may be Shakespeare's ownership signature.
This shows a further ‘signature’ on the prayer book that some believe was once owned by William Shakespeare. The copy, which is only 3 inches ...
Church of England. Booke of Common Prayer, London, Deputies of Christoper Barker, 1596 - 'William Shakespeare' signature, p. CC3v
Shakespeare’s prayer-book.
This pocket-sized Book of Common Prayer, printed in 1596, is a volume that may have belonged to William Shakespeare. 'His' signatures on several pages are more probably ...
Raphael Holinshed, The... Chronicles, 1577, 'History of Scotland', - a sermon, woodcut, p.144, detail.
Sermons: frequently heard by Shakespeare.
Regular attendance at church made all Elizabethans familiar with sermons delivered by the local, or visiting clergy. In Shakespeare's comedies especially, ...
Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - Christian duty p.53v, detail.
Homilies : life-style advised for Shakespeare and his contemporaries.
All children would accompany their parents to church each Sunday, where they would hear the readings from the Bible, and also the ...
Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - Communion woodcut, p.62r, detail.
Holy Communion: a church service attended by all Elizabethans.
This woodcut shows the distribution of wine and bread at Holy Communion to the congregation at the altar. It was the duty of all confirmed ...
Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - Confessional prayer, p.56v.
The Christian life to be followed by Elizabethans.
This prayer asks for forgiveness of sins and is flanked by flowers, a quotation and a woodcut on the sense of smell. Smells, both pleasant and unpleasant, ...
Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - Momento mori woodcuts, p.89v.
The everyday presence of death in Shakespeare's England.
Much of Richard Day’s prayerbook has illustrations which remind readers of the everyday presence of death in the 16th century. ‘Thou ...
Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - Prayers for our enemies, p.54r.
Life-style advice for Shakespeare and his contemporaries.
Many of Day’s marginal woodcuts included scripture quotations and advice on lifestyle, such as ministering to the sick.
Full title: ...
Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - Prayers for private use, p.62r.
Personal confessions: available to Shakespeare's contemporaries.
Richard Day’s book of prayers was a very popular book owned by many of Shakespeare’s contemporaries. The prayers printed ...
Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - Prayers for wisdom, p.89r.
Private prayers in Shakespeare's time.
Many members of the gentry and the nobility had ordained clergymen as part of their households, and had private indoor chapels, or churches in the grounds of ...
Richard Day, A Booke of Christian prayers..., 1581 - reminders of mortality, p.112r.
‘Momenti Mori’: reminders to Shakespeare's contemporaries.
The ‘momenti mori’ (reminders of death) are skulls and skeletons that may also have provided inspiration for dramatic ...