Civil Defence Corps Certificate
Civil Defence Corps certificate of enrolment for Arthur Smith. It is made from beige coloured card printed in brown. A crown and "CIVIL DEFENCE CORPS" are printed on the front. Arthur James Smith was ...
Civil Defence Corps Transfer
Civil Defence Corps colour transfer attached to a square of paper. The transfer is circular and is printed in yellow, blue, red and gold with the emblem of the Civil Defence Corps: a lion with a crown ...
Instructions for using the Civil Defence Corps Real Paint transfer. It is printed in blue ink on glossy paper. The transfer and instructions belonged to Arthure James Smith. Arthur James Smith was born ...
Milk Ration Card
A milk ration card belonging to Arthur Smith. It is made from beige coloured card printed in black. "MINISTRY OF FOOD. RATIONALISATION OF RETAIL DISTRIBUTION OF MILK" is printed on the obverse. Inscribed ...
National Service Certificate of Registration
National Service certificate of registration for Arthur Smith. It is made from beige coloured card printed in blue. "NATIONAL SERVICE (ARMED FORCES) ACTS Certificate of Registration" is printed on the ...
A.R.P. Identity Card
County of Warwick A.R.P. identity card with a blue cover and gold embossed lettering. It belonged to Arthur James Smith. Arthur James Smith was born in Bath on 13 May 1902. He moved to Leamington Spa ...
National Registration Identity Card
National Registration Identity card belonging to Arthur Smith. The identity card is made from green coloured card with "NATIONAL REGISTRATION IDENTITY CARD" and the Royal coat of arms on the front. Inside ...
Decontamination Officer Identity Card
Borough of Royal Leamington Spa Decontamintation Officer Identity card. The card has a red cover with BOROUGH OF ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA embosed in gold. It belonged to Arthur James Smith. Arthur James Smith ...
Long towel used in the physiotherapy department at the Royal Pump Rooms. It is white with blue stripes bordering the two long edges.
Perfume Bottle
Long and thin glass perfume bottle from China. It is made from colourless glass with gilded decoration and a gilded stopper. Bottles like this one were carried by ladies.
Tea Canister
Tea Canister
An eight-sided Chinese porcelain tea canister, with a black wooden lid. The canister has a blue underglaze with enamel painted flowers.
Trinket Box
Circular, slightly domed English porcelain trinket box. It has a blue glaze with gilding and hand painted flowers on the lid.
Trinket Box
A circular, slightly domed English porcelain trinket box. The box has a blue glaze and gilding and there are hand painted flowers on the lid.
A piece of dark brown leather embossed with a lizard skin pattern. It was used to make bags and shoes at Southorn boot makers in Leamington Spa. Southorn was establised in 1825 by William Southorn. In ...
Crocodile Skin
A piece of crocodile skin used to make bags and shoes at Southorn boot makers in Leamington Spa. The skin is dark brown. A label on the reverse gives the price of the skin as: "£18 per cm 43 x 18 = £774". ...
Turtle Skin
A piece of turtle skin used to make bags and shoes at Southorn boot makers in Leamington Spa. It is dark brown in colour. Southorn was establised in 1825 by William Southorn. In 1847 the company moved ...
Snake Skin
A piece of snake skin from Southorn bootmakers in Leamington Spa. It is pale brown with dark brown and black spots. Snakeskin was used to make shoes and bags. Southorn was establised in 1825 by William ...
Snake Skin
A piece of snake skin used to make bags and shoes at Southorn boot makers in Leamington Spa. The skin has been dyed red. Southorn was establised in 1825 by William Southorn. In 1847 the company moved ...