Women's Voluntary Service Letter
A letter from D.J. Bedford, the County Organiser of the W.V.S., to Mrs Gibbs. It confirms that Ms Bedford would be happy to sign Mrs Gibbs's medal form but notifies her that her appointment form cannot ...
Women's Voluntary Service Letter
A letter from K.Denson, the County Training Officer, to Mrs Gibbs. She informs Mrs Gibbs that she'd be delighted to arrange basic training classes in Whitnash but she needs more recruits for the authorities ...
Women's Voluntary Service Letter
A letter from the Women's Voluntary Service to Regional Offices, giving details of a television programme featuring a W.V.S. Clothing Officer on 'Make Do and Mend' ideas, 4th July 1955. (This item goes ...
Women's Voluntary Service Letter to Centre Organisers
A letter from the Chairman of the W.V.S asking the centre organisers to seriously review the responsibilities of the W.V.S to the Civil Defence and to encourage further recruitment. Ref CN.CD.7/50, 12th ...
Women's Voluntary Service Letter to Members
This is a letter informing Women's Voluntary Service members about a Civil Defence basic training course. The letter was written on 1 August 1950.
Women's Voluntary Service Official Envelope
An official envelope marked 'On Her Majesty's Service'. It contains a letter from the Women's Voluntary Service to Regional Offices giving details of a television programme featuring a W.V.S. Clothing ...
Writing Box
Writing box from England, c.1863. A wooden writing box that is hinged across the middle. It bears an inlaid decoration of mother of pearl and brass. The interior is lined with velvet and leather tooled ...
Writing Case
An Edwardian writing case, possibly used when travelling. It is made of brown leather and opens to reveal compartments for storing pens and paper and a blotting pad.
Writing Slope
This writing slope, with its mother of pearl inlay and elaborate decoration, was the property of author George Eliot.
George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans) was a local authoress based in the Coventry ...