Old Market Hall with Stocks
View of the old butter market, demolished 1865, with the watch house and stocks to the right of the picture.
St. John the Baptist Church
Showing west side of the church.
Radford Library (Temporary)
Women Factory Workers at Daimler
Female workers in a workshop during the First World War.
Whitley Abbey Bridge
Two men on motorcycles driving over Whitley Abbey bridge in the snow.
Wayzgoose for Coventry Printers
Group photograph of workers during an annual outing.
Walsgrave Road
Showing row of terraced housing.
Visit of George VI and Queen Elizabeth
George VI and Queen Elizabeth pose with Lord Mayor Alderman Joseph Holt and the Mayoress, Miss Kate Anderson.
Upper Precinct
View of upper precinct showing St. Michael's tower in background.
Unveiling the War Memorial
At the War Memorial Park. Earl Haigh, the Mayor Alderman Fred Lee, The Mayoress Mrs Lee and the Bishop of Coventry Dr. Lisle Carr present in photo.
Unveiling Ceremony of Foleshill War Memorial in Durbar Avenue
Crowd containing military band and individuals carrying banners watch the unveiling of Foleshill War Memorial.
Tram Overturned at Lower Ford Street Corner
Crowd of people gathered to view overturned tram. Advertisement for Coventry Sanitary Laundry on side of wall.
The Humber Works Entrance
Employees leaving the works on Folly Lane (now Humber Road) at the end of the day.
The Great Flood Spon Street
Horse and carriage driving through the flooded street.
The Godiva Cafe
View of the Godiva Café in lower precinct at night.
The Botany Laboratory, Barr's Hil School
Showing the pupils of Barr's Hill School at work.
Tenants Ejected From a Condemned Property, Well Street
Group of tenants with all their belongings outside the condemned property.
Tank Bank Week
Group, possibly including Mrs Alick Hill, standing on top of a tank on Greyfriars Green to help fund the war effort.