Bosch Short-Wave Therapy Unit
This is a Bosch short-wave therapy unit. It was used in physiotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa. The short-wave therapy unit used deep heat to treat parts of the body that were ...
Bottle of Surgical Spirit from Wyleys Ltd Wholesale and Manufacturing Chemists, Coventry. Surgical Spirit is made from ethanol and methanol and is used to sterilise surfaces and to cleanse skin abrasions ...
Half gallon bottle of medicinal liquid paraffin from Wyley's Ltd Wholesale and Manufacturing Chemists, Coventry. Medicinal paraffin is a highly refined mineral white oil used in Infrared Spectroscopy ...
An oblong, clear, glass bottle, embossed with J Kenyon Tonkin, Chemist, Leamington Spa, Established 1815. The dosage calibration is along one side. This chemist is quoted in the Trade Directories up to ...
A small clear glass bottle from Edinburgh. It was used or issued by a chemist. It is a straight sided bottle with a cork stopper. The printed label on the front states the contents to be Glycerine and ...
A circular brass tin box from Edinburgh. It originally contained Rheumogen purchased from a chemist. The box has a yellow label on the top which states the contents.
Box for Nasal Irrigator
This cardboard box from 1910 contains a glass nasal irrigator. Directions for using the irrigator are printed onto the side of the box.
Brailes, Lower. Belgian wounded soldiers at hospital
Group of wounded Belgian Soldiers at Red Cross Hospital in The Institute, Lower Brailes. 1915
Brailes, Lower. Red Cross Hospital
Interior of The Institute which was in use as a hospital for wounded Belgian Soldiers run by the Red Cross, showing the interior of a ward with a group of nurses. Note the paraffin lamp lighting. Lower ...
Brailes, Lower. Red Cross nurses
Group of Red Cross nurses and staff. 1932
Brailes, Lower. Soldiers and a nurse
Group of soldiers with nurse, Lower Brailes. 1914-18
Brailes, Lower. Wounded Belgian soldiers
Group of wounded Belgian soldiers outside Red Cross Hospital in the Institute, Lower Brailes. 1914
Building Fragment
This fragment of brick is from Lord Leicester's Hospital, Warwick. The Earl of Leicester founded the hospital in 1571, after taking over the combined guilds of Holy Trinity and St George. This was built ...
A grey cable with a socket at one end and a metal connector at the other.
This tall, metal can is made of pewter and was used by a chemist. The can is in a poor condition and rust can be seen.
This small, metal can is made of pewter and was used by a chemist. The can is in a poor condition and rust can be seen.
CANCER - Its Control and Prevention
A hardback book with an orange cover, entitled CANCER/Its Control and Prevention by John F Hall-Edwards. The book was published in Birmingham in 1926.
Canvas Strap
This strap was used in hydrotherapy treatments at the Royal Pump Rooms. During treatment the strap was placed underneath the patient as they lay in the water. It was attached to ropes that were suspended ...