William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, 1600 [1619] - Antonio's melancholy, p.A2r.
Antonio: the merchant in Shakespeare's play of Venice.
Antonio, the Venetian merchant of the play’s title, opens the action with a lament for his depression and worry that all his wealth is at ...
William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis, 1594, leaf F4v.
Shakespeare’s first published works.
The long poem, Venus and Adonis, was Shakespeare’s first published work. It was printed in 1593 by Stratford-born Richard Field, and dedicated to Henry ...
William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis, 1594. Single leaf F4r.
Shakespeare’s themes for his early poems are rooted in his education.
The stories and imagery in Venus and Adonis, and later in The Rape of Lucrece owed much to the usual Elizabethan school curriculum ...
William Shakespeare, Quartos, A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1600 [1619] - Theseus goes hunting, p.F4v.
Duke Theseus’ hounds in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Theseus’s praise of his hounds echoes the words of Ovid's book three: ‘My hounds are bred out of that Spartan ...
William Shakespeare, Quartos, A midsummer night's dreame, 1600 [1619] - title page
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: The ‘quarto’ text titlepage.
The title page of the paper-back pamphlet, or ‘quarto’ version of Shakespeare’s plays often carried an advertising ...
William Shakespeare, Quartos, King Lear, 1608 [1619] - final scene
The end of Shakespeare's King Lear.
The differing texts of King Lear include changes in assignment of speeches to Albany, at the end of the quarto edition, or to Edgar at the end of the Folio text ...
William Shakespeare, Quartos, Love's Labour's Lost, 1631 - title page
A play for the Blackfriars Theatre: Shakespeare's Love’s Labour’s Lost.
The first ‘quarto' of Love’s Labour’s Lost was printed in 1598 and formed the basis for the ‘folio’ ...
William Shakespeare, Quartos, Midsummer Night's Dream, 1600 [1619] - 'Pyramus and Thisbe' play is performed, p.H2v.
The play of 'Pyramus and Thisbe' in A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Shakespeare’s play concludes with Duke Theseus and his wedding guests being very critical as they are entertained by the play ...
William Shakespeare, Quartos, The Merchant of Venice, 1600 [1619] - Title page, imprint detail
A text published without the permission of Shakespeare’s acting company.
Every press had to be licensed by the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Bishop of London and no printing was allowed except ...
William Shakespeare, Quartos, The Merchant of Venice, 1600 [1619] - title page.
A ‘Pavier’ quarto of Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice title page.
This title-page of The Merchant of Venice ‘quarto’ summarises the plot in its descriptive sub-title. The ...
William Shakespeare's Henley Street property again mentioned, 1613
On 22 January 1613, another settlement was drawn up concerning the ownership of the house next door to the former Shakespeare home which again is described as the tenement 'late of William Shakespeare'. ...
William Shakespeare's Henley Street property again mentioned, 1613
This is the seal attached to the settlement drawn up, on 22 January 1613, concerning the ownership of the house next door to the former Shakespeare home which again is described as the tenement 'late ...
William Shakespeare's Henley Street property mentioned, 1609
On 20 July 1609, a legal settlement was drawn up concerning the ownership of the house next door to the former Shakespeare home in Henley Street. At this period, the most convenient way of locating a ...