Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - St Matthew, chapter 1, p. 5A1v.
The Christmas story: a source for Shakespeare.
The Christmas story as recounted by St. Matthew in his gospel was familiar to Shakespeare who refers to this ‘holy’ time of year in his play ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - binding view
A family Bible from Shakespeare's time, in a repaired later binding.
Many of Shakespeare’s contemporaries, especially devout Protestants would have owned a so-called ‘Geneva’ edition ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - title page of New Testament.
The New Testament provided sources for Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s plays show a familiarity with the text of the ‘Geneva’ edition of the Bible, and many Elizabethan homes would have ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - title page.
The Bible in English: known by Shakespeare.
The Shakespeare family, like all their Elizabethan contemporaries were required by law to attend their parish church for worship every Sunday. At Holy Trinity ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - Book of Common Prayer, p.3A1r.
The Book of Common Prayer : The church services known to Shakespeare.
Most printed copies of the ‘Geneva’ Bible from Queen Elizabeth’s time are bound with The Book of Common Prayer ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - Book of Common Prayer, Psalm 45, p.Aa2v.
Psalms in the church service Shakespeare knew.
The text for the Psalm known as the ‘Venite’, was regularly sung by Shakespeare's contemporaries at Morning Prayer each week.
See:1 Henry ...
Birbank The Artist
John Burgess (Junior) (1813-1874) Birbank The Artist Pencil, charcoal and crayon on paper 185mm x 285mm Portrait of a man drawing in a book. This is one of many drawings collected in a large scrapbook....
Birmingham Post Newspaper Cutting
A newspaper cutting from The Birmingham Post, 13th July 1951. It describes Randolph Turpin's return to Leamington Spa as World Middle-Weight boxing champion. Randolph Turpin was born in Leamington Spa ...
Blotter - open
This is a blotter that was owned by the author George Eliot. It is signed by Eliot and her husband John Cross. The names and addresses of her piano maker, solicitor and T.A. Trollope also appear.
George ...
Book Mark
A silk book mark depicting a boy and a girl in a garden, c.1870-1910.
Book Mark
A woven silk book mark, made in Coventry. It shows a chair and bible and features a poem by Eliza Cook.
Book Mark
A silk bookmark from Leamington Spa bearing a robin sitting on a holly branch. There is mistletoe and a star above. Below are the words: 'A Merry Christmas To You' with holly and ivy underneath. There ...
This is a copy of Burrow's Penny Guide to Kenilworth Castle from 1912. It is number 26 in the Burrow's Penny Guides to the Castles of Old England series. The booklet was printed by W. H. Smith and Son. ...
A Syrian Arabic Catechism with an orange coloured cover and black printing.
A booklet, from Mongolia, with a beige cover. It contains Manchou or Mongolian text with etchings.
A woven silk bookmark with an embroidered pattern in burgundy, green, gold and blue and a gold tassle. The inscription gives the words to the hymn Rock of Ages.
Bookmark from Leamington Spa Library. There are advertisements for Leamington companies on it.
British Fresh-water Fish
A hard backed book containing coloured plates and descriptions of British fresh-water fish. It also contains engravings of river scenes, 1879.