Belt Buckle
A cloisonne belt buckle made of gold metal with a multi-coloured enamelled floral design. It is made up of two parts which fit together. Metal rods at the back are used for attaching fabric.
Birmingham Jubilee Medal
Birmingham gold medal, 1897 Width 32mm Medal struck to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria whose sixty year reign had become the longest of any single British monarch. The medal is cross shaped ...
Birmingham Jubilee Medal
Birmingham silver medal, 1896 Width 30mm Medal struck to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria whose sixty year reign had become the longest on record of any single British Monarch. The obverse ...
Bokhara Coin
Bokhara silver coinDiameter 20mm There are arabic inscriptions and stamped motifs on both sides of this coin.
Silver gilt Siamese metalwork bowl, from Thailand, with mello decoration. The bowl has a circular base with sides made in the form of a lotus flower.
Box Containing Silver Coins
A red leather covered box with a gold embossed lid and blue velvet lining. The box contains four silver coins, one, two, three and four pence, all of which are dated 1906.
A circular bracelet, from India, made from wood with silver panels.
A circular bracelet, from India, made from wood with silver panels.
A torc style bracelet, from India, made from silver coloured twisted metal. It has ornate diamond shaped ends decorated with red and blue stones.
This metal bracelet is from India. It is decorated with embossed animals, including an elephant, a dog and a goat. The bracelet may be made of silver, and is one of a pair.
This metal bracelet is from India. It is decorated with embossed animals, including an elephant, a dog and a goat. The bracelet may be made of silver, and is one of a pair.
Brazilian 200 Reis
Brazilian silver 200 reis, 1868 Diameter 18.5mm The obverse features the bust of Pedro II, ruler of Brazil from 1831 - 1889. The date is below and the encircling inscription reads 'PETRUS II D. G. C. ...
British India 1/2 Rupee
British India, Regal coinage, silver half rupee, 1899 Diameter 24mm The obverse features the diademed bust of Queen Victoria facing left and the inscription 'VICTORIA EMPRESS'. The reverse features the ...
British India 1/2 Rupee
British India - Regal coinage silver 1/2 rupee, 1881 Diameter 23mm The obverse features the bust of Queen Victoria. The denomination is on the reverse.
British India 1/2 Rupee
British India - East India Company silver 1/2 rupee, 1840 Diameter 23mm The obverse features the bust of Queen Victoria. The denomination is stamped within a wreath on the reverse.
British India Two Annas
British India - Colonial coinage, East India Company silver two annas, 1841 Diameter 14mm This coin is from the reign of Queen Victoria.
British India Two Annas
British India, Regal coinage, silver two anna, 1893 Diameter 15mm The obverse features the diademed bust of Queen Victoria facing left and the inscription 'VICTORIA EMPRESS'. The reverse features the ...
British One Penny
British silver Penny, 1740
Diameter 12mm
This coin is possibly from a Maundy set. The obverse features the laureate and cuirassed bust of George II facing left, and the abbreviated Latin inscription, ...