Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - title page of New Testament.
The New Testament provided sources for Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s plays show a familiarity with the text of the ‘Geneva’ edition of the Bible, and many Elizabethan homes would have ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - title page.
The Bible in English: known by Shakespeare.
The Shakespeare family, like all their Elizabethan contemporaries were required by law to attend their parish church for worship every Sunday. At Holy Trinity ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - Book of Common Prayer, p.3A1r.
The Book of Common Prayer : The church services known to Shakespeare.
Most printed copies of the ‘Geneva’ Bible from Queen Elizabeth’s time are bound with The Book of Common Prayer ...
Bible. English. The Bible translated, 1576 (Geneva version) - Book of Common Prayer, Psalm 45, p.Aa2v.
Psalms in the church service Shakespeare knew.
The text for the Psalm known as the ‘Venite’, was regularly sung by Shakespeare's contemporaries at Morning Prayer each week.
See:1 Henry ...
Church of England, Booke of Common Prayer, 1596 - binding view
A much-used book, possibly owned by Shakespeare.
This prayer book, whose dimensions are only three by four inches [9 x 12 cm], is much battered by heavy use from previous owners. The spine leather ...
Church of England, Booke of Common Prayer, 1596 - Colophon (printer's imprint), title page of Psalms.
Shakespeare’s own prayer-book.
This little prayer-book which may have belonged to William Shakespeare, as several signatures in parts of the text indicate, was printed by the Queen’s printer, ...
Church of England, Booke of Common Prayer, 1596 - 'William Shakespeare' signature, and date ?1600, p. Mm6v.
This may be Shakespeare's ownership signature.
This shows a further ‘signature’ on the prayer book that some believe was once owned by William Shakespeare. The copy, which is only 3 inches ...
Church of England. Booke of Common Prayer, London, Deputies of Christoper Barker, 1596 - 'William Shakespeare' signature, p. CC3v
Shakespeare’s prayer-book.
This pocket-sized Book of Common Prayer, printed in 1596, is a volume that may have belonged to William Shakespeare. 'His' signatures on several pages are more probably ...
Gasparo Contarini, The commonwealth and government of Venice, 1599 - Prefatory sonnet, p. A4r detail.
An Elizabethan courtier promotes a book known to Shakespeare.
In 1599 one of Sir John Harington's poems praised the diplomat lawyer, Lewes Lewkenor's first translation into English of the Italian Garpar ...
Gasparo Contarini, The commonwealth and government of Venice, 1599 - 'Ayre of Venice', p.192
A source for Shakespeare’s knowledge of Venice.
Shakespeare’s tragedy of Othello begins in Venice, where the Moor is general of the Doge’s forces, and Desdemona is the daughter of ...
Gasparo Contarini, The commonwealth and government of Venice, 1599 - binding
A hard-wearing vellum binding of Shakespeare's time.
This volume is in its original binding of flexible vellum, with a hand-sewn spine. Vellum (a kind of leather from very young, still-born, or foetal ...
Gasparo Contarini, The commonwealth and government of Venice, 1599 - Book 5 - p. 125 detail.
The law of Venice inspired Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.
The trial in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice (4,1, lines 15-36) of Antonio for non-repayment to Shylock of his loan, and ...
Gasparo Contarini, The commonwealth and government of Venice, 1599 - p.133.
A Shakespeare contemporary writes about Venice.
The lawyer Lewis Lewkenor travelled in Europe, perhaps as a spy working against the English Catholics. He translated Contarini's book on Venice, first ...
Gasparo Contarini, The commonwealth and government of Venice, 1599 - printer's ornament, p. 98, N4v.
A woodcut as decoration.
Woodcuts used to ornament Elizabethan texts were frequently ornate and often symbolic of ideas contained within the text with which they are associated. The cherubs with lute ...
Gasparo Contarini, The commonwealth and government of Venice, 1599 - title page.
A handbook on Venice for Shakespeare's contemporaries.
In 1599 Sir Lewis Lewkenor translated from the Italian Gaspar Contarini’s Della Republica et Magistrati de Venetia. This was the first book ...
Gasparo Contarini, The commonwealth and government of Venice, 1599 - To the Reader - p. A4r.
A Shakespeare contemporary travels to Venice.
Sussex born lawyer, Sir Lewis Lewkenor (c. 1556-1626) was remotely related to the Combe family of Stratford-upon-Avon, which might, perhaps, have resulted ...
Geoffrey Chaucer, Workes, 1602 - binding in fine leather
A ‘morocco’ binding chosen by a ‘collector’.
The scarlet goatskin and gold tooling of this binding, created by Francis Bedford, was finished in the late nineteenth-century ...
Geoffrey Chaucer, Workes, 1602 - Family tree, p. A6r.
The author's family tree illustrates a Shakespeare sourcebook.
In this finely printed edition the preliminary pages of Chaucer’s Works include a portrait of the author, surrounded by an elaborate ...