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Metal stamp from Southorn boot makers in Leamington Spa. The stamp reads "SOUTHORN". It was used to make labels for Southorn products. Southorn was establised in 1825 by William Southorn. In 1847 the ...
Stamp Seal
A small brass stamp seal, which prints 'No Corn Law', c.1815-1846. The Corn Law was a hugely unpopular bill regulating the trade in grain and was repealed in 1846.
Stamp Seal
A brass stamp seal with a long wooden handle bearing the Leamington Spa Coat of Arms.
Stamp: Leamington Free Public Library
This stamp is from Leamington Free Public Library, which was opened at Leamington Spa Town Hall in 1857. The stamp is made of a copper plate that is mounted onto a block of wood. It is engraved with books ...
Stamp: Royal Leamington Spa Franking Stamp
A metal Leamington Spa Royal Warrant franking stamp with a blue painted wooden plunger handle in a card box.
Statue of Shakespeare on the Town Hall, Stratford-upon-Avon
Sculpted c. 1769, by John Cheere (d. 1787)
This statue was commissioned by the actor David Garrick to adorn the front of Stratford-upon-Avon's Town Hall, the re-building of which was completed in 1769 ...
Steam Engine
This stationery steam engine is part of a working model. It has a thick metal base with metal and brass workings.
Steel Punch
This steel punch, with the letters 'J.C.' cast in reverse at one end, is one of a collection of whitesmith tools and products that were salvaged from the site of the workshop of J.Clark and Sons. J. ...
This is an iron stirrup. It has a platform for the foot to rest on and a slot at the top for a strap.
Straits Settlements One Cent
Straits Settlements - Malaysia, copper one cent, 1880 Diameter 29mm The obverse features the diademed bust of Queen Victoria facing left and the inscription 'VICTORIA QUEEN'. The reverse features the ...
Subscription Medal
This medal was presented to subscribers to an illustrated edition of Shakespeare's plays published under the direction of John and Josiah Boydell. This was associated with an exhibition organised by the ...
Subscription Medal
This medal was presented to subscribers to an illustrated edition of Shakespeare's plays published under the direction of John and Josiah Boydell. This was associated with an exhibition organised by the ...
Sugar Cutters
Sugar Cutters were used by grocers to clip off pieces of sugar from a very hard cone, known as loaf. From the 18th Century until the early 1900s sugar in shops was sold from large moulded cones. Until ...
Sugar Cutters
A pair of metal loaf sugar cutters. They are fastened at one end and at the other end semi-circular plates come together in a pincer-like movement to break up the sugar. There is engraved decoration at ...
Sugar Cutters
A pair of metal loaf sugar cutters. They are fastened at one end and the other has a pincer-like movement to break up the sugar.
Sugar Cutters
A pair of metal loaf sugar cutters, which have a pincer-like movement which breaks the sugar.
Surveying Instrument
This is an early type of instrument for setting out the directions of roads in mines. The sights are obtained by looking through the small aperture and adjusting the upper part of the instrument. The ...
Swedish 1/2 Skilling
Swedish copper 1/2 skilling, 1803 Diameter 30mm The obverse features the monogram of Gustavus Adolph IV. There is a large crown above and three smaller crowns sourrounding. The reverse features the denomination ...