Description:A list of Stratford townsmen giving details of how much corn and malt they held in their barns. During the mid 1590s there was a series of disastrous harvests due to bad weather. Thousands faced near starvation as the price of corn rocketed. Complaints were made about the use of barley for malt production when it could have been used for food; and also against those said to be profiteering by hoarding corn and malt and slowly releasing it onto the market at inflated prices. The government ordered enquiries to be made about the amounts of grain in store. This is the retun for Stratford. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust reference: BRU 15/1/106
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Shakespeare may have owned this book. Shakespeare purchased New Place, the largest ...
Shakespeare’s first published works. The long poem, Venus and Adonis, was ...
Warwickshire, and Shakespeare's ‘merrie meeting’. According to John ...
A Shakespeare collaboration. The Two Noble Kinsmen includes pageantry in the ...
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Contemporary unrest provided ideas for the food riots in Coriolanus. This page shows bakers at work ...
A list of Stratford townsmen giving details of how much corn and malt they held in their barns. During ...
Donor ref:BRU 15/1/106 (21/10163)
Source: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - Record Office
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