Date:1810 - 1820 (c.)
Description:This is an ink, watercolour and gouache on paper portrait of Admiral Lord Exmouth, and a painted inscription along the bottom reads 'The Appearanc [sic] of Admirll [sic] Lord Exmouth from his Hedgecumb Park'. The Admiral is in the centre and his wealth and social status are suggested by the comparison with the miniature furniture around him. Framed size Height 660mm, Width 542mm, Depth 35mm
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting the ship HMS Indefatigable. A caption ...
This is an oil painting on panel depicting the English fleet, including HMS Victory ...
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting the scene inside a barber's shop. It ...
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting The Charing Cross Arms and is signed ...
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting a dog which has caught three rats. ...
This is an oil painting of a hunting scene on a japanned tin tray. It was painted ...
This is an oil painting on paper which is lined (backed) onto canvas and depicts ...
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting a scene in a square in Yorkshire. It ...
This is an oil painting on canvas depicting two racing pigeons and is signed and ...
This is a watercolour, pen and ink on paper picture of two frogs sitting either ...
Donor ref:CVCSC:0011.F (8/9621)
Source: Compton Verney House Trust
Copyright information: Copyrights to all resources are retained by the individual rights holders. They have kindly made their collections available for non-commercial private study & educational use. Re-distribution of resources in any form is only permitted subject to strict adherence to the usage guidelines.