Date:1920 - 1929 (c.)
Description:Houses in front of Lower Brailes Church, butcher's shop on the left, child riding a horse on the road and the War Memorial in the background. 1920s [date altered from 1910s to 1920s, as War Memorials were not erected until after 1921 (July 2021)]
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Old line drawing of the exterior of St George's Church, Lower Brailes. 1850
A view of the front door of the vicarage, Lower Brailes. 1900s
Meet of the hunt in Lower Brailes. 1920s
Creators: Simms, Percy (photographer) - Creator
Donor ref:PH, 352/37/61, img: 651 (3/639)
Source: Heritage and Culture Warwickshire, Warwickshire County Council
Copyright information: Copyrights to all resources are retained by the individual rights holders. They have kindly made their collections available for non-commercial private study & educational use. Re-distribution of resources in any form is only permitted subject to strict adherence to the usage guidelines.