Description:A ring of eight bells on the ground outside Alcester parish church with the Vicar and group of men behind them. 1948
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
The Parish Church, Alcester. 1900s
A stall at Alcester church fete in the Rectory Garden. Circa 1925.
Shops in Butter Street, showing a woman pushing a pram and the Old butter market ...
The tomb of Sir Hamilton Seymour in St Nicholas church, Alcester. 1980s
Donor ref:DR, 888/58/2, img: 6986 (3/6346)
Source: Heritage and Culture Warwickshire, Warwickshire County Council
Copyright information: Copyrights to all resources are retained by the individual rights holders. They have kindly made their collections available for non-commercial private study & educational use. Re-distribution of resources in any form is only permitted subject to strict adherence to the usage guidelines.