Date:1900 - 1909 (c.)
Description:Hackwell Street, probably taken from Hackwell steps, showing the village Blacksmiths shop. 1900s
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Mr Allsop with his pony and trap in front of Rose Cottage, Howcombe Hill (now Lane), ...
The Poplars - a line of terraced cottages amongst fields and allotments; children ...
Loaded haywain, horse, two men and a woman at Napton on the Hill. 1928
The Green, Napton on the Hill, showing a lorry in the foreground. 1950s
Marlstone rock bed, Middle Lias, Jurassic at Napton Hill Quarry. 1970s
Donor ref:PH, 352/128/9, img: 34 (3/54)
Source: Heritage and Culture Warwickshire, Warwickshire County Council
Copyright information: Copyrights to all resources are retained by the individual rights holders. They have kindly made their collections available for non-commercial private study & educational use. Re-distribution of resources in any form is only permitted subject to strict adherence to the usage guidelines.