Date:1920 - 1929 (c.)
Description:People relaxing in the pump room gardens and listening to a band playing in the bandstand, Leamington Spa. 1920s
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Buildings on the corner of Lower Parade and Dormer Place, Leamington Spa. 1860s
The Rev. E Raven, member of the Leamington Chess Club, Leamington Spa. 1880s
View of The Parade, Leamington Spa, with the Regent Hotel on the right. 1900s
Unveiling 1914-1918 War memorial in Euston Place, Leamington Spa. 1919
View down the Parade showing the Parish Church, Leamington Spa. 1937
Visit by Anthony and Mrs Eden to Leamington Spa. 1955
The Royal (real) Tennis court in Bedford Street, Leamington Spa. Three of the courts ...
Donor ref:PH, 352/111/41, img: 4785 (3/4362)
Source: Heritage and Culture Warwickshire, Warwickshire County Council
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