Date:1940 - 1949 (c.)
Description:Parish council meeting with senior school pupils sitting in as observers, Cubbington. 1940s For more detailed information refer to - Cubbington by G.F.Peppitt.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
The School in Cubbington in 1846. For more detailed information refer to - Cubbington ...
East end of Cubbington church prior to 1887.
Thatched and timbered cottages at the lower end of Queen Street, Cubbington. In ...
Mr Sam Cleaver, Cubbington village milkman with his horse and cart. 1919
Exterior front view of Cubbington schools, Cubbington. 1938
New Street, Cubbington, looking towards Church Lane. A Land Rover is parked on the ...
Donor ref:PH, 228/136, img: 4576 (3/4166)
Source: Heritage and Culture Warwickshire, Warwickshire County Council
Copyright information: Copyrights to all resources are retained by the individual rights holders. They have kindly made their collections available for non-commercial private study & educational use. Re-distribution of resources in any form is only permitted subject to strict adherence to the usage guidelines.