Date:2nd of October 1918
Description:A Ministry of Food National Ration Book issued to Sarah Smith of 58 Bath Street on 2 October 1918. It is made of five pieces of paper stapled together. Some of the ration tokens have been used.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Framed copy of a black and white print of Elliston's Parthenon, Lower Assembly Rooms ...
A street plan of Leamington Spa showing Spencer Street, Bath Street, Stafford Wine ...
This pair of shoemaker's pliers were used at W. Smith and Son, Boot Makers. The ...
Printed and handwritten account bill dated 1896. The bill was issued by E. Francis ...
Brown envelope printed with black ink, advertising Collier's Cheap Stationery and ...
Donor ref:LEAMG : M4750.2012.2 (70/29276)
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