Date:Not Recorded
A medal from the National Union Of Railwaymen. On the front is an image of a locomotive, with a red and a green signal flag above it. Under the locomotive there are symbols of a shovel and a pickaxe. On the back is the slogan 'Workers Of The World Unite' against a red background. There is also a flag with the letters 'N U R' and under it against a blue background are two clasped hands. Around the medal is a shackle motif. On the top of the medal is a loop intended for fastening purposes.
The medal belonged to Herbert Dawkins (1883 - 1966) who worked for the Great Western Railway in the early twentieth century as a goods porter.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
This fifteenth century lock has a rectangular plate which is used for fixing it ...
This bronze coloured medal from Stratford-upon-Avon celebrates Shakespeare's life ...
Ink on paper The Noble And Renowned Exploits Of Guy, Earl Of Warwick By Howell 205mm ...
A small wooden tub, formed by wooden uprights with one iron stay near the top and ...
Silver folding spectacles with small circular lenses. The arms are hinged at the ...
Tall dark brown glass bottle from Lucas and Co Brewery, Leamington Spa. with a moulded ...
A hard backed book describing the history of illumination, containing many chromolithographic ...
A. Arnst The Hon. And Rev. James Wentworth Leigh, M.A. Ink on paper 590mm x 465mm ...
A record of an account at Bo. of E. Francis & Sons, Linen Drapers, Silk Mercers, ...
An invoice from Kinmond & Co, mineral water manufacturers, to Messrs Commercial ...
A Great Western Railway Rule Book, 1933. It has a hard blue cover and was owned ...
A hand-made 21st birthday album for the anniversary of Lavinia's couture dress shop ...
A hard backed book commemorating Automotive Products from 1920 to 1970, with illustrations. ...
Black printed four-sided leaflet entitled Leamington Peripatetics & Answer to Leamington ...
Donor ref: LEAMG : M4662.2007.6 (75/27776)
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