Date:1730 - 1740 (c.)
Description:Drinking glass with a funnel bowl, which is lightly wrythen-fluted on a four-winged stem. It also has a folded foot. The glass is early wrythen, c.1730-1740.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Drinking glass, c.1700-1725. It has a tall, straight-sided bowl over a solid base. ...
Drawn trumpet bowl drinking glass, with a solid base on a double-knopped heavy baluster ...
Drinking glass, made in Newcastle, with a bell-shaped bowl on a single-knopped stem ...
Drinking glass with an ovoid bowl on an opaque twist stem and plain foot, c.1760....
Old English glass beer jug of baluster form. The body is engraved with hops, barley ...
Glass ale jug, moulded at the base with raised flutes and a high folded foot. The ...
Tall coin goblet, with a richly engraved bowl that is decorated with the rose and ...
Drinking glass with a bell-shaped bowl and a thick base containing a circle of tear ...
Decanter from England, 1915. A cut glass and silver mounted jug. This claret jug ...
Stuart & Sons Stuart Crystal c.1963 A cocktail tumbler, made in Stourbridge, ...
Donor ref: LEAMG : M2019.1955.47 (68/24666)
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