Date:17th of December 1896
Description:Printed and handwritten account bill dated 1896. The bill was issued by E. Francis & Sons, Linen Drapers, Silk Mercers, Hosiers and Glovers, Carpet and Upholstery Warehouse, to the executors of the estate of the late Mrs Hamilton Davies on 17 December 1896. There is a handwritten list of items and costs, a one-penny postage stamp and the ink stamp of the company.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Framed copy of a black and white print of Elliston's Parthenon, Lower Assembly Rooms ...
A street plan of Leamington Spa showing Spencer Street, Bath Street, Stafford Wine ...
This pair of shoemaker's pliers were used at W. Smith and Son, Boot Makers. The ...
A Ministry of Food National Ration Book issued to Sarah Smith of 58 Bath Street ...
This receipt was issued by the drapers E. Francis and Sons Ltd., 34 - 40 Bath Street, ...
Donor ref:LEAMG : M4510.2000.29 (70/20202)
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