Description:The installation of Councillor Hopkins as the last mayor of Leamington Spa Borough in 1973. This photograph was produced for Heart of England Newspapers.
© Courtesy of the Leamington Spa Courier
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
A postcard with a colour tinted view of Leamington Spa Town Hall. It was printed ...
A large, aerial photograph taken by Leamington Borough Police Force on 4 March 1944. ...
Guests at the Regency Ball, dressed in Regency style costumes. The Ball was held ...
This group photograph was taken at the Heart of England Tourist Board meeting held ...
Donor ref:LEAMG : M3964.1993.26 (69/19370)
Copyright information: Copyrights to all resources are retained by the individual rights holders. They have kindly made their collections available for non-commercial private study & educational use. Re-distribution of resources in any form is only permitted subject to strict adherence to the usage guidelines.