Date:1825 - 1850 (c.)
Description:These spectacles belonged to Isaac Evans, the brother of George Eliot. Their father, Robert Evans, had passed them down to him. Isaac and his sister had been close when young, but later disagreed over her relationship with her partner George Henry Lewes. George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans) was a local authoress based in the Coventry and Nuneaton district, from 1819-1880.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
This jug is made from Staffordshire pottery and is thought to have belonged to Mr. ...
This writing slope, with its mother of pearl inlay and elaborate decoration, was ...
This pair of dogs are china representations of King Charles Spaniels. It is possible ...
This oval wooden tray belonged to George Eliot and was used to carry a supper service ...
This bust in Parian ware depicts George Eliot, and is inscribed E-L-I-O-T at its ...
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These spectacles belonged to Isaac Evans, the brother of George Eliot. Their father, Robert Evans, had ...
Donor ref:U/1/1980/3A (51/11634)
Source: Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery
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