Date:30th of November 1875
Description:Eliot thanks Alice for her invitation to see Iolanthe at the Haymarket in December but declines as she is going with Lewes. She talks about various domestic arrangements but ends on a humorous note "I am no more dowdy than usual" Transcript: The Priory, 21, North Bank Regents Park. Nov. 30. 75 My dear Alice Mr. Lewes is to take me, else I should have been glad of your sweet guardianship in going to see 'Iolanthe'. I have not been able to deserve your remembrance in any way except by often thinking of you. This I have done, but I have not had ten spare minutes to spend in telling you of it. We came home about the middle of October, but, to our annoyance. found a smell of paint in the drawing room which obliged us to live for three weeks in my study. We are now at large in the house as usual, & there is no one we should like to see better than you, if it were not unreasonable to wish that you should come so far in the cold without some duteous zeal to warm you on the way. Only remember that you have two cordial friends in this corner, whom your presence will gladden. Mr. Lewes is ailing. I am not more dowdy than usual. Always yours affectionately M. E. Lewes Note: George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans) was a local authoress based in the Coventry and Nuneaton district, from 1819-1880.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
An invitation to an unknown person to visit. Transcript: So come to us when ...
Robert Evans, Mary Ann's father, taken from the miniature by Carlisle painted in ...
Transcript: Mrs John Cash Rosehill Coventry Note: George Eliot (born Mary ...
Engraved portrait of Charles Bray, aged 72, by H. Adlard from a photograph. George ...
Illustrated edition by Gordon Browne. Publisher unknown. Printed by W and R Chambers ...
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Eliot thanks Alice for her invitation to see Iolanthe at the Haymarket in December but declines as she ...
Transcript: The Priory, 21, North Bank Regents Park. Nov. 30. 75 My dear Alice Mr. Lewes ...
Donor ref:Nun. Lib. 12 (49/11338)
Source: Nuneaton Library, Libraries, Heritage & Trading Standards, Warwickshire County Council
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