Date:19th of March 1874
Description:(Alice Helps is the daughter of Sir Arthur Helps clerk of the Privy Council). It is through Sir Arthur that George Eliot discovered that Queen Victoria enjoyed her work. In this letter Eliot asks Alice Helps to order a squirrel lined cloak for her. Transcript: The Priory, 21, North Bank, Regents Park. Mar. 19. 74 Dear ministering Spirit I shall be still further grateful if you will order me the cloak lined with squirrel, just like your own. Why it should be dearer now than at the beginning of Winter is one of the mysteries of the retail trade, with respect to which I suppose we are to be religiously unenquiring. If the cloak makes reason for you to come again soon, I shall be doubly a gainer. Yours always M. E. Lewes Note: George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans) was a local authoress based in the Coventry and Nuneaton district, from 1819-1880.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
An invitation to an unknown person to visit. Transcript: So come to us when ...
Robert Evans, Mary Ann's father, taken from the miniature by Carlisle painted in ...
Transcript: Mrs John Cash Rosehill Coventry Note: George Eliot (born Mary ...
Engraved portrait of Charles Bray, aged 72, by H. Adlard from a photograph. George ...
Illustrated edition by Gordon Browne. Publisher unknown. Printed by W and R Chambers ...
Donor ref:Nun. Lib. 9 (49/11334)
Source: Nuneaton Library, Libraries, Heritage & Trading Standards, Warwickshire County Council
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