Date:28th of August 1851
Description:Mary Ann moved to London on 8th January 1851 staying with John Chapman and his family. Her stay was brief as both his wife and mistress (who both live with John) dislike the attention she received from him. In March she returned to Coventry staying with the Bray's at Rosehill and it's from here that she writes to her good friend Mary asking for Mary to continue writing to her as she enjoys receiving her letters. Despite Eliot thinking that she will be staying in Coventry for the winter she returns to London in September. Transcript: Rosehill Aug 28th Your letter is charming, cher enfant, & cheered me for a whole day. That I do not send you a long letter in return, you must ascribe to no lack of love for you but to a daily increasing lack of love for letter-writing. Your picture of yourself & your environment was so interesting that I ventured to share it with Mrs. Bray. We both rejoice in the prospect of domestic comfort & congenial occupation for your good brother. Pray remember me to him & tell him he has my hearty sympathy. In this matter of letter-writing I wish you would give, asking for nothing again that is, if writing to me be the least pleasure to you. To me the smallest detail about you is interesting, but I cannot write about myself save to one or two people in the world. We are all quite well - just returned from a visit to Stratford. I shall see you again before long - for I am to be stationary for the winter I believe. In the meantime there are but two words of very vital significance for you & me & all mortals - Resignation & labour - perhaps there may come as the crown of these divine unselfish love & from this again light. Ever your friend Mary Ann Evans Note: George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans) was a local authoress based in the Coventry and Nuneaton district, from 1819-1880.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
An invitation to an unknown person to visit. Transcript: So come to us when ...
Robert Evans, Mary Ann's father, taken from the miniature by Carlisle painted in ...
A selection of first edition spines. George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans) was a ...
A letter to Mary thanking her for informing her of her father Reverend John Sibree's ...
Frontispiece with engraved portrait of George Eliot by Edmund J. Sullivan [19]01. ...
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Mary Ann moved to London on 8th January 1851 staying with John Chapman and his family. Her stay was ...
Transcript: Rosehill Aug 28th Your letter is charming, cher enfant, & cheered me for a whole ...
Transcript: Miss Sibree The Grange Stroud Note: George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans) was a local ...
Letter to Mary Sibree, envelope rear
Donor ref:Nun. Lib. 4 (49/11316)
Source: Nuneaton Library, Libraries, Heritage & Trading Standards, Warwickshire County Council
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