Description:Births and deaths recorded in a Bible of Shakespeare's time. Family notes recording the birth of a son to Edward Lumley in 1695, and the death of Mary, the wife of a later owner, Robert Mason, in 1780 occupy a blank page at the back of this Bible. The script reads: "September the 8 day in the yere 1695 my son Henery was born at 9a clock at nite "---[below Mr Mason has recorded] "My dear wife departed this life on Palm Sunday last at the age of 63 and upwards [Then in another hand] Mr Robert Mason died at Hertford on Tuesday the 3rd day of April 1781." In this copy of the Bible there are various notes in this volume from former owners, most recording events of importance in the lives of former owners. The handwritten notes on this blank (unprinted) page facing the title page of the New Testament read as follows : - September the 8 day in the year 1695 my dear son Henry was born at 9 o'clock in the af[ternoon] [i.e. at night] My dear wife by set out for Glastonbury May 30 1777 with Miss Fisher. My dear wife departed this life on Palm Sunday last at the age of 69, and upwards of 63 years of age 1780 [and repeats] and upwards... 1780 Memorandum on my dear only sister Mrs Mary Mason, departed this life on Palm Sunday 1780 Mrs Mason died. Her son Mr Robert Mason died at Hertford on Tuesday the 3rd day of April 1781. [followed by the initials] H.J. Full title: The Bible. That is, the holy scriptures contained in the olde and newe testament... translated.... Christopher Barker, 1576. [Geneva version].
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Donor ref:SR 98 [6,044a] (32/10640)
Source: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - Library
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