Description:The Christmas story: a source for Shakespeare. The Christmas story as recounted by St. Matthew in his gospel was familiar to Shakespeare who refers to this ‘holy’ time of year in his play Hamlet. (1.1,lines 139-145.) Full title: The Bible. That is, the holy scriptures contained in the olde and newe testament... translated.... Christopher Barker, 1576. [Geneva version].
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Shakespeare may have owned this book. Shakespeare purchased New Place, the largest ...
Shakespeare’s first published works. The long poem, Venus and Adonis, was ...
Shakespeare followed this description of Cleopatra. Shakespeare became very ...
A play for the Blackfriars Theatre: Shakespeare's Love’s Labour’s Lost. The ...
Donor ref:SR 98 [6,044a] (32/10601)
Source: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - Library
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