Description:A continental binding contemporary with Shakespeare. Vellum was occasionally used for decorative bindings, especially on the continent of Europe. This binding, probably from Venice, has neat gilded decoration, and a small leather label on the spine, with simple gold rules along the edges of the boards. This style of binding was frequently completed to order, to match other books in a gentleman’s library. Full title: Giambattista Geraldi Cinthio,(1504-1573) Hecatommithi, ouer cento novelle di M. Giovan-batttista Giraldi Cinthio [in two parts]. In Venetia, appresso Fabio & Agostin Zopini, 1580. [Colophon to part 1 1579].
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
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Donor ref:SR 22 [1,204] (32/10567)
Source: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - Library
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