Description:Othello and Desdemona, Shakespeare’s Italian source. The Hecatommithi, a collection of prose tales told by travellers sailing from Rome to Marseilles, includes the story of Disdemona [sic] and a Moor which Shakespeare used for Othello. Volume 2 of the book also includes the source for George Whetstone’s Promos and Cassandra, printed in 1578, that was the direct origin of part of Shakespeare’s plot for Measure for Measure. Cinthio's work was not translated into English in Shakespeare's time. Full title: Giambattista Geraldi Cinthio, (1504-1573)Hecatommithi, ouer cento novelle di M. Giovan-batttista Giraldi Cinthio [in two parts]. In Venetia, appresso Fabio & Agostin Zopini, 1580. [Colophon to part 1 1579].
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Shakespeare may have owned this book. Shakespeare purchased New Place, the largest ...
A much-used book, possibly owned by Shakespeare. This prayer book, whose dimensions ...
An eternal theme - bastardy and legitimacy in Shakespeare. Edmund’s evil ...
Donor ref:SR 22 [1,204] (32/10562)
Source: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - Library
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