Description:Gardening: a task known to Shakespeare Many of Shakespeare’s scenes are set in gardens. The plays indicate a familiarity with the tasks of setting seeds, weeding and raising plants for pleasure as well as for use in the kitchen, or as medicines. In Romeo and Juliet Friar Laurence collects herbs in his basket : 'I must up-fill this osier cage of ours with bale-ful weeds and precious-juiced flowers.' 2,2, lines 1-22. Full title: Thomas Hill, The gardeners labyrinth: containing a discourse of the gardeners life in the yearly travels to be bestowed on his plot of earth,... wherein are set forth divers hebers, knottes and mazes... also the physicke benefit of each herbe, plant and floure gathered... by Didymus Mountaine, London, Henry Bynneman, 1577.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Shakespeare may have owned this book. Shakespeare purchased New Place, the largest ...
A much-used book, possibly owned by Shakespeare. This prayer book, whose dimensions ...
Lear’s madness in the storm scene in Shakespeare's play. The ‘quarto’ ...
Donor ref:SR 97.3 [30,078] (32/10544)
Source: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - Library
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