Description:Poetry in Shakespeare's plays: ‘When icicles hang by the wall’. The play of Love’s Labour’s Lost concludes, as was the custom in many comedies of the time, with a song, in this case a gentle poem on the season of winter. See:Love's Labour's Lost, 5,2, lines 879-911. Full title: William Shakespeare, Loves labours lost. A wittie and pleasant comedie. As it was acted at the Black-Friars and the Globe. Written by William Shakespeare. London, Printed by W. S[tansby] for John Smethwicke, 1631.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Shakespeare may have owned this book. Shakespeare purchased New Place, the largest ...
Shakespeare’s first published works. The long poem, Venus and Adonis, was ...
Warwickshire, and Shakespeare's ‘merrie meeting’. According to John ...
A Shakespeare collaboration. The Two Noble Kinsmen includes pageantry in the ...
Donor ref:SR 35.18 [2,649] (32/10541)
Source: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - Library
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