Description:Shakespeare may have owned this book. Shakespeare purchased New Place, the largest house in the town of Stratford in 1597. On his death the property and most of its contents were inherited by his daughter Susanna Hall. Nothing is known of the library that the playwright left, but this book may have been in the house. It was printed when Shakespeare was a child of eleven, but its title-page inscription records that it was given by Susanna to Colonel Richard Grace, one of the courtiers, when Queen Henrietta Maria stayed briefly at New Place during the English Civil War in 1643. Full title: Henri Estienne, A Mervaylous discourse upon the lyfe, deedes and behaviours of Katherine de Medicis, Queene mother: wherin are displayed the means which she hath practised to atteyne unto the usurping of the kingdome of France, and to the bringing of the estate of the same unto utter ruine and distribution. At Heydelberge [London, H. Bynneman?], 1575.
The timeline shows resources around this location over a number of years.
Thomas Phillipps' ownership of a book Shakespeare may have owned. The great nineteenth ...
Shakespeare’s first published works. The long poem, Venus and Adonis, was ...
A picnic for Shakespeare's royal patron. Among the many engravings of huntsmen ...
A play for the Blackfriars Theatre: Shakespeare's Love’s Labour’s Lost. The ...
Donor ref:SR 93.2M [14,187] (32/10421)
Source: The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - Library
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